Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Funny Ha-Ha

I have never realized how hard it is to sit around and try to randomly throw out bits of sparkling wit until now. First of all, I am still struggling to figure out what the point of blogging is anyway. Who wants to read this crap?? How do people like Heather Armstrong (my personal blog heroine, dooce.com -- one of the funniest writers currently alive) get started?! And how do they stay funny??? It's not like my friends and family are gonna come on here and catch up on my life -- I see them all the damn time anyway. Like they really need color commentary in addition to the daily play-by-play they already see of my life??

I am basically doing this to succumb to peer pressure, in that everyone always says "ha ha, you are soooo funny, you should write!" and I say "ha ha, I also like money and I should have a job which supplies some!!" So I do (the latter), but I still miss (the former). So there you go, poor denizens of cyberspace, I guess I will have to use this as my brilliant canvas of linguistic creation. Also, I want to impress the cool mommies on my babycenter.com birth board, who all have unending witty things to spew on their own blogs.


Jeff said...

I've often asked myself the same question you've posed on yourself and my only conclusion is that we all love gossip.

Our genetic makeup revolves around story telling and gossip. From the first cavemen who carved images onto walls, to cyberblogs being created by people like yourself... we all love to peek into other people's worlds.

SemiMBA said...

I read the "crap" because some people write pretty whitty and interesting posts. Keep it up -- write something funny or innovative. People will read it (people even read mine on occassion)

Watty said...

Um, hello there my dear. You know....some people don't have friends in the 'real world' so its easier to just read about others 'feelings,' gossip, whatever else come oozing out from others to get some kind of interaction.

Heck, I don't even answer the phone anymore unless its a school, my mom or DH because everyone else that I need to talk to are online, and there's much less 'dead air' online, or at least you can do other things at the same time! (plus theres no 'phone neck' pain LOL)

Heck, I've been here 4 years and STILL don't hang out with people than the smoking drinking neighbors across the courtyard (to which I must come inside and hose the fire pit and smoke stench off before I hit the bed)

BTW, as for the writing with the chance of family who you see daily might stop off and read, you can also sit here and talk about them as well! LOL

AND, its ALOT cheaper than therapy!

Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

OK...this is VERY funny. Mel, you make me laugh. I like the hula picture. I want to know what "Interrupting Cow" means, however.

Cathy said...

I actually knew the interrupting cow joke! I first heard it on South Park. I think it was Jimmy that told the joke.

Great blog!


aangelgoddess said...


I LOL so many times reading your blog...AAUUGGHH!!! I am futtin dying over here!!

Keep it up...if you post it, they will read!!