If you are visiting this site you probably know too much about me already. I am short; small; of unspecifiable hair color (currently summer highlighty-blondish brownish) neurotic; unstable; alternately a smart-ass and a dumb-ass depending on which medication I remember to take; musical; a graceless elephantine clod despite many many many years of dance instruction; impatient; sarcastic; pessimistic; fiesty. Depsite all this, they let me procreate. Twice!! Molly is our oldest little monster - born May 2004, followed by Natalie in April 2007. WE ARE DONE. Stop asking.
The profile will say I'm a Taurus but I was born on the Aries/Taurus split day on which I blame my mental wacko-ness. In case I forget this or in case you need to ID my body in an accident, I conveniently had those two astrological signs tattooed upon my hips, much to my mother's dismay (despite the fact that I was 25 when I did it)
your links are too long and so there's not enough room for the text on your blog
Nope - I haven't changed or added to the links at all in months and the text was always OK before this week.
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