Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Say what?

Molly had a delightful time trick-or-treating last night and even managed to keep her bunny ears/hood thing on the whole time! (This photo is from our "Zoo Boo" excursion, which unfortunately came on the same day as our run-face-first-into-a-magazine-rack-excursion -- hence the lovely cut on her face. I have come to the conclusion that we are not going to get photos of this child without some kind of scratch, bruise, cut, welt or other evidence of self-inflicted injury until she graduates from college.)

We kept trying to get her to say "trick or treat" but more often than not the only thing she would say is "woooof! wooooof!" regardless of whether or not any actual woof woofs -- er, dogs -- were within 20 miles. Only a handful of people said "hey, what a handsome little guy" or other such gender-specific commentary, which is understandable since what little hair she has was covered up by said bunny ears/hood thingy.

She was (obviously) a bunny this year, and conveniently has added bunny -- "Buh." pause. pause. pause. Go-make-a-peanut-butter-sandwich, put-the-dog-out, fold-some-laundry, come back. pause. "NEEEEEE" to her vocabulary.

For those of you who have not had the pleasure of carrying on a conversation with a 17 month old who can only say about 15 things, I thought I'd give everyone a lesson in Moll-ese in case you find yourself in a babysitting situation without a translator.

Here are her words, quasi-words, animal sounds and whatnot as of today -- 17 months and a couple of days old:
- Mama, which has recently been replaced with:
- Dada
- Daddy
- dog (DOHHHH!)
- duck
- HI. HI. HI. HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI. To anything, everything, everyone, anyone, and no one, 25 hours a day.
- bye and bye-bye
- busssssssss
- uh oh (this is a step up - her first words were uh oh, but for a long time it was just "UH.")
- Melmo (Elmo, the red little Muppet cretin)
- Ernie (ehhhhhh-neeeeee! AKA any Muppet who is not Elmo.)
- Grover (Roh-ruh)
- Bunny (see above)
- Mickey (mouse) -- Mih.....meeeeeeeee
- Baby (baaaaay-beeeeeeeee. NO WE ARE NOT HAVING ANOTHER ONE, SIMMER DOWN, SHE PLAYS WITH BABY DOLLS AT SCHOOL. Sheesh. When she starts saying "wretched morning sickness &^#%!@&#% then you people can start worrying.)
- thank you (dat doooooo)
- Bahavagasha rerrfnassssh babablllllldldldldldd maooo maoooo? HI!!! (translation: I am channeling the spirit of a Bangladeshi goat herder from the year 1634. I eat cats. Hi!)


Roxy said...

HA! That is quite the advanced dialect! :+)

Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

OMG LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love your last line. Will you write one of the voices in my novel? Um...I guess that would be cheating...I almost thought about not posting this because I glanced down and my word verification word is: fruwndwx (is that excessive??)

Tess said...

Thanks for the translation! I was wondering why Ben says "Ernie" for any muppets not Elmo--but now I know.

Cathy said...